Sunday 2 September 2012

Jim Salvati

Salvati was born in 1957 in South California, and was the oldest sibling of 3. His parents had a passion for art and it seems as though they had passed it onto the next generation.  Jims mother used to paint in the house while his father used to collect various different pieces from different artists. Salvati was always surrounded by art as both of his uncles were artists and an architecture.

Salvati grew up loving the sea and he started to immerse himself on art and surfing. He decided to follow the path of some of his family members and he started to study architecture but soon after he realised that this was not what he had wanted to do.

He graduated the Art Centre College of Design in Pasadena and he immediately started to paint posters for various different companies including Disney and Warner Bros. His art has been seen buy many through advertising. His detail in fine art is something that makes this artist stands out

I love Salvatis works as ,even though it is Disney, it doesn't look "cartoony". His detail and realistic paintings is something that I admire and something that I want to do myself in my own Disney paintings. Also not only does he paint Disney but he also paints Harry Potter and Tim Burton Work.

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